Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Anxiety is a fidgety character. Always on the move and never completely satisfied with the situation.

He was born into this world by his mother Worry and his father Stress. His mother had babied him since the beginning and was always over protective, while his father remained tense and never seemed to have enough time.

As a small child, Anxiety developed friendships with Fear and Dread. The three quickly became inseparable.
When you encountered one of them, the other two were always close behind.

When Anxiety hit puberty, he discovered girls, one in particular.
Her name was Content.
Content was always happy, always calm, and always satisfied. Anxiety realized that she was everything he'd always wanted and he became envious of her nature.
And the feeling of those familiar butterflies swarmed his stomach every time she passed him by.

Sadly, Anxiety only continued on through life with his two best friends.
Yes they were constant downers and kept him away from the fun things in
life, but for some
reason Anxiety just couldn't let them go.

So now here lays Anxiety, alone and restless in a twin size bed, crammed into the corner of his tiny one roomed apartment. Fear and Dread bang on his door and for once, Anxiety doesn't rush to answer.
He knows that he's trapped.
Within the feelings of his own mind.