People remember what they care about, they remember the things that show them great interest. Sometimes we remember that girl in class who always seemed to forget to wear a bra, over remembering our homework assignment for the night.
Usually we'll remember lyrics to a song that played once on the radio than remember something practiced for hours, like that stupid quadratic formula .
Most of the time you'll remember that huge hairy mole on your teachers face instead of whatever it was they were trying to teaching you. If we don't care to remember something, a moment, a formula, anything, that probably means it wasn't significant.
People remember what they want to remember.
I decided that this first post would be dedicated to Ms. McKenna. She taught me lessons I'll never forget and spoke words of wisdom that I'll always remember. I'll always remember the way she walked, her voice, her handwriting, I'll even remember some of the homework assignments she gave out two years ago.
I cared deeply for McKenna as a teacher, her style of teaching was remarkable and you knew that she generally cared for all her students as well. She was one of the only staff at school that showed her appreciation towards the voices of students. She always heard what we had to say and would actually do something about it. Our questions, concerns, and opinions were always matters she was willing to take on.
Everything Ms. McKenna taught me has stayed with me, and for that, I'd say that woman deserves a freaking gold metal. She influenced most all her students and left a remarkable impact on those who listened to her wisely. If you ever had her as a teacher then you know that she was an incredibly independent and strong woman who had experienced a lot. She fought constant battles for herself, her students and her classes everyday. And she gave off a confidence that I've only dreamed of achieving.
I cared about McKenna, that's why I remember her.
I cared about her assignments, that's why I remember them, I cared about her feedback and advice, and so I remember those too. The fact that one literature teacher changed my view on life is something worth remembering.